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What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and how did I get it?

CRPS is a neurological condition that can affect any part of the body but usually the arms, legs, hands, or feet causing pain, skin color changes, muscle and tendon atrophy, and other symptoms. This is not typically understood and hard to diagnose . It usually occurs due to a dysfunction in the central or peripheral nervous system. In more than 90% of cases, CRPS is due to nerve trauma due to an injury, fracture, or surgery that damaged the sensory and automatic nerve fibers. It can be extremely debilitating with severe pain, swelling, loss of range of motion, muscle spasms or atrophy, changes in skin color, and body temperature. If left untreated, the condition can progress to a more disabling symptoms.

There are 3 stages of CRPS

Stage 1 – Lasts 1-3 months with symptoms:

  • Severe burning or aching pain
  • Muscle spasms and joint pain
  • Increased swelling
  • Changes in skin color, appearance, and texture

Stage 2 – Last 3-6 months with symptoms:

  • Increasing pain
  • Stiff joints and muscle weakness
  • Skin gets worse

Stage 3 – Left untreated with symptoms:

  • Extremely painful and difficult to move
  • Muscle and tendon atrophy
  • Muscle contractures of affected hands/feet or limbs

Management and Treatment

The management and treatment goal is to reduce the pain, increase circulation, and improve muscular rehabilitation by using the FDA cleared RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® Electric cell-Signaling Treatment (EcST) device. Because our bodies are electrically charged, this innovative and highly advance treatment delivers targeted electric and electromagnetic energy waves deep into the damaged nerve cell area of the body helping to facilitate the recovery processes. These therapeutic energy waves speak the language of cells in a safe, effective, non-invasive, and non pharmaceutical way. Treatment expectations and recovery times will vary person to person based on how severe and how long you have suffered from CRPS and your symptoms. There is HOPE!

Patient Testimonial

“I wanted to say thank you for this machine. It’s changing my life. I was diagnosed with CRPS after a failed surgery in June 2020 and was left with minimal options. Pain doctors wanted to put an implant in my back to block the sensations which wasn’t a viable option for me. I was told I would suffer with this for the rest of my life. I was defeated, depressed, and giving up hope. I searched endlessly for days to find an alternative, natural way to relieve my horrible pain and finally found a facility using the RST-SANEXAS neoGEN®. I’m 2 weeks into an 8-week neoGEN® treatment program and my pain associated with CRPS has diminished by 60% and my skin discoloration due to poor circulation has improved by 40%. My job as a delivery driver for UPS requires me to be on my feet. Feeling my feet is a must. I have hope for the first time in a long while now.“

“Today, I’m back to running my usual 8 to 10 miles a day without an issue. I can’t imagine what life would be like had I not discovered and tried this treatment! I wish I could tell the world. I’d be your number one sales gal. Thank you isn’t enough.” – Theresa

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